Differentiating Patriotism and Nationalism: Influence of Valence in Primes
Individuals’ feelings of patriotism and nationalism may rise and fall with events that are broadcasted through media outlets or when elected political officials in times of war use phrases like, “you’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists,” or refer to other countries as “the dark side”. The differential effects of these phrases are important, as feelings of patriotism and nationalism may be influenced by political news and/or broadcasted traumatic events. The current study examined to what extent priming influences nationalistic based attitudes such as patriotism, nationalism, xenophobia, and military approval. Specifically, the current study examined the influence of priming through political quotes that reference the in-group (i.e., America) versus the out-group (i.e., other countries).
Keywords: Priming, Patriotism, Nationalism, Xenophobia
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